Renewable energy pioneer recognized among Texas Tech University’s distinguished alumni for 2023

In Texas, JBB Advanced Technologies reported that Texas Tech University’s Alumni Association has named John B. Billingsly, Jr., as one of its Distinguished Alumni for 2023. The award, now in its 57th year, is the highest honor that Texas Tech University’s Alumni Association can bestow, honoring the most prestigious graduates of Texas Tech University for their professional achievements, contributions to society and support of the university. John Billingsley is the Chairman and CEO of JBB Advanced Technologies. Billingsley launched JBB Advanced Technologies, a holding company focused on cutting-edge technologies including artificial intelligence, blockchain, and renewable energy. The company develops and markets its own technology through a Research and Development Division, JBB Labs, and acquires platforms innovating in those sectors, such as: Tronic, a construction company with expertise in solar energy.

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