Louisiana wind energy coalition earns coveted Tech Hub nod from Department of Commerce

In Louisiana, The Advocate reported that a Louisiana wind energy consortium, led by a flock of education, business and government institutions, has been named a Tech Hub by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration.

The Gulf Louisiana Offshore Wind Propellor, or the GLOW Propellor, was one of 31 coalitions — out of nearly 400 applicants — to receive the coveted Tech Hub designation, according to a Department of Commerce news release.

The hubs will now be eligible to apply for anywhere from $40 million to $70 million each in funding from the Department of Commerce, according to the report.

The GLOW Propeller initiative aims to shift the state’s economy from fossil fuels to renewable energy, including offshore wind power.

Some members of the coalition include LSU, Southern University, Tulane University, the University of New Orleans, Xavier University, Gulf Wind Technology, Sev1Tech and RWE.

More on the story.

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