JEA to partner with Florida Renewable Partners to build four new solar farms in Jacksonville
In Florida, the Florida Times-Union reported that JEA will partner with Florida Power & Light’s sister
company Florida Renewable Partners to build four new solar farms in Jacksonville that will generate
about 5% of JEA’s electricity by 2027 for thousands of homes and businesses.
The report noted that the JEA board approved entering into the agreement with Florida Renewable
Partners, whose parent company is NextEra Energy.
Florida Renewable Partners will build solar farms on big tracts owned by JEA on the Westside. Florida
Renewable Partners then will sell the solar-produced electricity to JEA, the report added.
The agreement with Florida Renewable Energy will build solar farms on the 600-acre Forest Trail site and the 2,183 acres Miller site by the end of September 2026. Another site called the Peterson tract will be divided into two solar farms with one slated to provide electricity by September 2026 and the other by September 2027, according to the report.
JEA’s total cost for the solar farms will be about $1.5 billion over 35 years, according to a presentation to the JEA board. JEA is a community-owned electric, water and sewer utility located in Jacksonville.