Florida Department of Environmental Protection fights federal proposal on reducing greenhouse gasses

In Florida, Action News Jax reported that the Florida Department of Environmental Protection lashed out at a federal proposal aimed at reducing greenhouse-gas emissions from power plants, saying it “places the reliability, affordability and capacity of the nation’s energy supply at risk.”

“(It) is clear the EPA has placed an emphasis on transitioning to a ‘net-zero world’ above the electric needs of Americans,” said the Department of Environmental Protection comments, signed by Secretary Shawn Hamilton. “Florida’s superior air quality is a result of ingenuity and smart governance. The proposed rules put states like Florida at greater risk, by attempting to force unproven transitional energy practices ahead of generating the energy capacity necessary to meet the demand of our residents, visitors and businesses.”

The EPA released the wide-ranging proposal in May, saying the changes would dramatically reduce carbon emissions over the next two decades. The proposal, in part, would set new pollution standards for power plants fueled by natural gas and coal, while taking steps to shift toward cleaner technology such as a type of fuel known as green hydrogen, the report added.

More on the story.

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