Duke Energy Florida unveils new renewable energy certificates program
In Florida, Duke Energy Florida announced Clean Energy Impact, its newest renewable energy certificates (RECs) program, is now available to customers looking to achieve their sustainability goals and support local, renewable energy.
The firm said that Clean Energy Impact is available for residential, small and medium business customers in Duke Energy’s Florida service area but may be especially useful for large commercial and industrial customers as an alternative to the company’s existing community solar program, Clean Energy Connection.
The optional program promotes the use of renewable energy through the sale of RECs from the company’s solar facilities. The RECs help customers reach their sustainability goals without having to install or maintain their own equipment, Duke Energy Florida said.
Melissa Seixas, Duke Energy Florida state president, said: “By adding this program, we are providing even more customers access to the environmental benefits of solar, while helping lower costs for customers, increasing fuel diversity and continuing to build a cleaner energy future for our state.”