Florida lawmakers seek study of EV impacts

In Florida, WFTV9 reported that House members want a study about impacts of the increased number of electric vehicles on Florida roads, amid concerns raised about a proposed annual registration fee on electric vehicles amounting to a “double tax”. Bills filed in the House and Senate called for imposing a registration fee on electric vehicles to make up for lost gas-tax revenue, which is used for transportation projects. But the House Transportation & Modals Subcommittee recently scaled back the House bill (HB 107) to direct state economists to review the long-term infrastructure effects of electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles, according to the report. “It seems like a lot of us agree that we don’t want to jump ahead when it comes to applying some sort of fee or tax to EV drivers without doing the research first,” Rep. Anna Eskamani, D-Orlando, said.

More on the story.

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